Parolee Expectations

A parolee in The Legion Project program is expected to:

  • Always attempt to be a faithful follower of Jesus Christ. While not perfect, we expect the parolee to make every effort to conform his life after the teachings of Jesus Christ as revealed in the New Testament.
  • Meet with the parolee’s designated mentor as requested. This will normally be at least once each week.
  • Attend church services weekly (as allowed by the terms of release and the parolee’s parole officer)
  • Attend a weekly small group for prayer, Bible study, Christian fellowship, worship and/or works of service (as allowed by the terms of release and the parolee’s parole officer.)
  • Treat women with the utmost respect and refrain from all sexual relationships outside of marriage.
  • Do not marry or become engaged to be married without the consent of the parolee’s mentor.
  • With the assistance of the parolee’s mentor establish a budget and conduct the parolee’s finances within the provisions of the budget except as otherwise approved by the parolee’s mentor.
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages or take any illegal drugs (including the abusive use of prescription drugs).
  • Do not posses (including having in the parolee’s car or apartment) any alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs.
  • Do not possess (including having in parolee’s car or apartment) any firearm or other weapons.
  • Do not violate the terms of the parolee’s release.
  • Follow other reasonable requests, guidelines or requirements that the parolee’s mentor may set forth from time to time.